The sprits of Jinggong: always be professional, always consider more for customers.

The outlook of Jinggong: do the best industry, create a worldwide brand.

The purpose of Jinggong: make staff wealthy, bring benefit to the community.

The self-courage of Jinggong: bettering is better than perfection.

The brand concept of Jinggong: do the world’s make.

The competition concept of Jinggong: counterparts in different industries are still friends.

The talent concept of Jinggong: use the competent, trust the moral, delegate to both of them.

The management concept of Jinggong: that it works is more important than it makes sense.

The working concept of Jinggong: be more careful than the most.

The safe concept of Jinggong: work 1 min, safe 60 seconds.

The environmental concept of Jinggong: focus on environment, keep life clean.

The quality concept of Jinggong: 100% details make 100% quality.

The service concept of Jinggong: users are always right.

The innovation concept of Jinggong: prefer imperfect innovation to perfect routinism.

The core value of Jinggong: business thrives in peace, people benefit from harmony.

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